Friday, February 14, 2020

Research Designs Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Research Designs - Assignment Example This helps us to verify that the effects seen are actually due to the said Independent variable and not other factors. A true experimental design has all these components; and thus offers the most reliable data and analysis (Kerlinger, 1986). An example of a true experimental study would be when a new medicine is being tested, and different dosages are given to different groups to test it’s efficacy. A control group in not given the medicine, but a placebo instead. The dosage levels are varied as per to opinion of the professional researcher; and the sample chosen is such that it represents the larger population from which it comes. On the other hand, a cross-sectional design and a quasi-experimental design would not allow for manipulation of the independent variable or for the presence of a control group given the nature of the Independent variables under study (Frankfort-Nachmias & Nachmias, 2008). An example of a cross-sectional study would be a study that tried to verify the type of music preferred across different age groups. Although the experimenter can choose the range of each group; there is no ‘control group’ for this study. On the other hand, a quasi-expeimental design would be one where the efficacy of different treatment options for an illness are compared (Frankfort-Nachmias & Nachmias, 2008). The researcher cannot assign treatment options and has to collect data from participants who choose the said options. There can be a control group only if there are people who choose to abstain from treatment. The least strong type of study is one that uses a pre-experimental design (Frankfort-Nachmias & Nachmias, 2008), which only allows for comparison or observation. A typical pre-experimental design is when a group is tested for knowledge before and after a training procedure and then the two scores are compared for difference. The strength of the research design

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Far Horizon's case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Far Horizon's case study - Essay Example Lastly, it should be aware of the income level of its target market, so that it can appropriately price the goods and services that it will offer, to match the market's willingness to purchase. Far Horizon has to make a product strategy that is very sensitive to its customers unique needs, as well as one that is innovative and quality-driven. The customers for this type of service are very scrutinizing, in a way that each set of customers have very unique needs, which might not be the same which the next set of customers. Far Horizon must therefore avoid the scenario where it will commoditize its products, in a way that it provides the same type of service to its different customers. Instead, the company must allow for a certain level of customization, for each accommodation package that the customers will demand, and it must make its service cater to the needs of its customers (and not the other way around). Another factor that will affect its product strategy is the generic type of service that this industry provides. Far Horizon can capitalize on this, by making its services more unique, to rouse more interest from its present customer base and to uniquely distinguish itself from competitors and similar companies. Along with customization, unique new features and creative add-ons will make Far Horizon, as a brand, stand-out from the rest of the competition. For example, the company may be bold enough to try hosting themed team-building events for corporate customers, or they may also try to hold festivals and cultural shows (in cooperation with the state) to coincide with a related conference or convention. Lastly, Far Horizon has to focus on consistently delivering quality-driven service to all of its customers. The high-level of customization and innovation will bring in a good bulk of the customers, but quality-driven service will retain the good customers, and will make them spread the news about Far Horizon's services to other potential customers. The innovative and customized features that the company can offer will be meaningless if quality is not stressed. Therefore, for Far Horizon to be a market leader in this service industry, it also has to be the market leader in delivering quality service to all of its customers. Place Strategy The most obvious factor that would affect Far Horizon's place strategy is its proximity to highways, airports or other transportation hubs. More and more customers would want to avail of Far Horizon's services, if the place was immediately accessible from public highways and airports. Another factor that can affect the company's place strategy is the scenic view that surrounds the place. While the company should focus on delivering customized and innovative quality service, it can also factor in the scenic surroundings around the place, to further enhance the company's image. Lastly, the overall attractiveness of the city or state of location affects the image that the company will project to its customers. If the city or state is known to maintain a high level of crime and theft, for example, then customers will still not be attracted to avail of Far Horizon's services. On the other hand, if the city or state has a good reputation among business and socio-civic organizations, then more customers will